Sunday, September 23, 2007


I'm almost done with my sock! I would have it finished by now but things keep happening. 1) I forgot my sock chart when I went to the knit night at my LYS on Thursday so I didn't know how many stitches I was supposed to end up with after the toe decreases. 2) We went to Oshkosh because they were having a scholarship recognition night and I brought it along to work on in the car. I forgot what kind of decreases I was supposed to do on the instep and I forgot the sock chart again. x.x 3) I forgot the 4th needle when I was going to work on it on the way to supper yesterday. It's very frustrating but I think I have it all figured out now.

20 stitches after the toe decreases
k1, slip 1, k1, psso, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog k1
and i found my 4th needle.

I can probably finish it today except that my dad is having me do all these chores (mowing the lawn etc) and he is going to pay me $25 to go towards horse camp next year so that will take a while plus I have homework. But it doesn't take too long to do toe decreases on 44 stitches.

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